Assistance of the municipality in old age

In old age, the needs for a fulfilling everyday life change. For this reason, the Commission for Retirement Matters, together with seniors@work, has compiled a catalog of offers and invites the older members of the community to make their needs known. In turn, there is the possibility to offer support in these areas.

The range is extensive:

  • Going for a walk
  • Help with payments
  • Grocery shopping
  • Coffee visit
  • Computer and cell phone questions
  • Accompaniment to the synagogue
  • Reading out news from the community (IGB Newsletter)
  • and much more!

We look forward to many entries from both sides. The commission is grateful for suggestions, proposals and ideas. They can be submitted via e-mail.

I offer support: Open Form (in German)
I seek support:: Open Form (in German)

With the kind support of seniors@work.