Activities & Events

We define ourselves as Jews through our culture and our traditions. We cultivate them through a wide range of encounters and educational opportunities, with events and in associations.

You can find our current events in our



Culture of exchange

Women's BINA program

BINA is a program with the goal of bringing Jewish women together. We meet regularly to laugh, learn, relax, create and simply spend quality time together. The program is open to all Jewish women from Basel between the ages of 18 and 120 who are interested in Jewish content, social as well as creative gatherings. In the past, for example, we have done yoga together, a scavenger hunt through Basel, we have painted ceramics and gone on excursions.

The meaning of the Hebrew word “Bina” is the ability to see connections and differences in different situations. It is one of the types of wisdom primarily attributed to women. Bina, derived from the Hebrew word “livnot” – means “to build”. It is in the hands of Jewish women to build the future of our families, our community and the entire Jewish community.