Gemeindenahe Vereine

A large number of associations enrich Jewish life in the Basel region. Traditionally, they are closely connected with the IGB. If you are interested, please contact the board members directly. They are looking forward to meeting you.

Associations around the community

Bikur Cholim

Sick people need closeness and assistance. Visiting the sick – Bikur Cholim-, is a godly deed to which this association is dedicated.

The 150 members visit the needy and the sick at home, in the hospital or even in a home like the Holbeinhof, spend time with them and support them as needed.

For the association, it is a matter of respect towards the weak to assist them in their difficult situation.

On Purim, Rosh HaShanah and Hanukkah we prepare gifts together and distribute them to sick and needy people. Last but not least, we make an annual excursion to Jewish sites in the wider area.

We would be happy if you are interested in joining us. Please contact Sylvain Sturm: 061 382 32 77 or

Chewra Kadischa Men

The Chevra Kadisha arranges the ritual washing Tahara in cases of death, accompanies the mourners at the cemetery and supports them at home.

The Chevra Kadisha is the first point of contact in the event of a death and will inform the community. The municipality will immediately contact the relatives.

Contact person Chewra Kadischa (men):
On-call telephone in case of death: 079 422 59 75
Thomas Lyssy
Leonardo Fridman

Hakoah TC Basel

Passionate tennis players from young to old meet on our two idyllic tennis courts from spring to fall. On numerous occasions, such as the opening games, interclub and club championships, we cultivate friendships and social exchange.

Very popular is the “Zyschdigsclub” of the seniors, where traditionally doubles are played. Special attention is paid to our juniors and the promotion of young talents. During the week we offer tennis training in group or private lessons. In 2025 we will celebrate our 100th anniversary.

For more information, news and contact, please visit: (website in German).

Israelite Women's Association Basel

With approximately 250 members, the Israelitische Frauenverein Basel is an important part of the Jewish community in Basel. We promote solidarity among women, support charitable activities and participate in social tasks. The activities take place on a voluntary basis. The offers are for members.

  • Weekly delivery of meals to those in need.
  • Visits on birthdays, to the sick, to women who want company at home, in hospital, in a nursing home or in a café.
  • Assistance to members in need in consultation with the Social Services of the IGB.
  • Sports activities every Wednesday morning.
  • other events according to the program.


The women’s Chewre assists in the event of a death, performs the tahara, the ritual washing, and attends the funeral.

The annual membership costs Fr. 30.-. Donations are tax deductible in the canton of Basel-Stadt.
IBAN: CH79 0900 0000 4000 3574 5

If you are interested in becoming a member or becoming active yourself, please contact Isabelle-Myriam Lifszyc 061 273 56 40 oder 076 509 53 66, E-Mail

(website in German)

Jewish Gymnastics Club Basel

The JTV (“Jüdischer Turnverein”) Basel looks back on an eventful history of more than 100 years. Gymnastics, Zumba and football are today in the offer of the JTV.

La Charmille

The association La Charmille was founded in 1942. The central concern of the association is the care of elderly Jewish people in Basel and the surrounding area. Until 20 years ago, the association La Charmille ensured this by running a retirement and nursing home in Riehen.

20 years ago, the Holbeinhof old people’s and nursing home was built in Basel on Leimenstrasse. The sponsorship of the Holbeinhof is carried out by a foundation established by the association La Charmille and the Bürgerspital Basel.

Contact: Marc Herz, President Association La Charmille,

New Cercle (VNC)

The club pub on Schützengraben can accommodate up to 100 people for its own events and those of friendly Jewish associations.

There is a fleyshik kitchen and a milkhik café (both under the supervision of the IGB Rabbinate), as well as a vegetarian sideboard (on a trust basis).

Originally, the club was an institution of young Jewish artisans from Alsace who came to Basel after its annexation by Germany in 1879. With the purchase of the clubhouse in 1897, the association established itself permanently in Basel. Today, the VNC is a Jewish community-independent association open to all genders, professions and ages. After almost 150 years, it wants and needs to redefine its association goals and own activities.

Contact via the form oder

Shomre Torah

The Schomre Torah Basel is an educational institution for children, young people and adults in the rear building of Leimenstrasse 45, which was founded in 1895 by the then Rabbi of the IGB, Dr. Arthur Cohn. The central concern of this institution, which is steeped in tradition, is the imparting of Jewish knowledge. Topics include in particular the Tanakh, Mishnah and Talmud, Halakha and Jewish philosophy, as well as Iwrit courses.

In addition to the regular program, the Shomre Torah organizes lectures with local and foreign speakers, occasionally a Shabbaton or a cultural trip.

The Shomre Torah is run by an association which is financed by membership fees, donations and subsidies from the Lehrhaus Foundation and the IGB. For more information, please visit

Synagogue choir

The Basel Synagogue Choir consists of male amateur singers. The repertoire includes both religious and secular Jewish songs since the Middle Ages.

The choir performs regularly at the Shabbat service of the Basel Synagogue and also gives concerts with well-known Jewish choristers Chasanim such as Naftali Hershtik, Joseph Malovany, Moshe Stern, Moshe Haschel and Raphael Cohen.