The community as a social network

Tzedaka, charity, is central to Judaism. The Social Services of the Israelite Community Basel are open to all members for personal, financial or social concerns.

The counseling is free of charge. Appointments can be made through the social worker Elisabeth Mieruch.
You can reach her Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
E-mail:, Phone: 061 279 98 42


Social Services is available to all IGB members for personal, financial or social concerns.
Further support is offered by:

Jiskor Association Basel

The association Jiskor helps people who are in financial need – anonymously and very discreetly – within our possibilities. This tradition, which was started by our esteemed former Rabbi Leo Adler s.A., is an important social pillar of our infrastructure in today’s world.

Contact: Rabbiner Dr. Moshe Baumel

Loan fund

The Israelite loan  fund (“Israelitische Leihkasse”) grants interest-free loans to Jews and Jewish institutions.

Contact: Elisabeth Mieruch

Rabbi Dr. A. Cohn's Jubilee Foundation "Hachnossas Kalloh" (Bridal Endowment Fund)

This foundation was created in 1910 by Rabbi Dr. Arthur Cohn to enable brides to get married by financing a dowry.

Today, both bride (Kallah) and groom (Chatan) can request a financial contribution for their wedding if they have either lived in Basel for a year or have grown up in Basel and need support to carry out the wedding.

A request for support can be addressed to Rabbiner Dr. Moshe Baumel, tel. 061 279 98 50, or to any member of the Foundation Board. All requests will of course be treated confidentially.

Members of the Foundation Board are as follows:

  • The rabbi of the community as president: Rabbi Dr. M. Baumel
  • Representative of the Welfare/Social Services: Mrs. Dr. med. L. Bernstein Kradolfer
  • Representative of the Women’s Association: Mrs. B. Spielmann-Schweizer
  • Representative of the Board of the IGB: Mrs. C. Fried-Straus

Donations can be made to the Foundation on the occasion of a wedding or on any other occasion. Donations are tax deductible.

Bank details:

PostFinance account: 40-4696-8
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 4000 4696 8

Bikur Cholim Association

Bikur Cholim, visiting sick persons, is a mitzvah of the Torah and an important concern of the association and its approximately 150 members. The members visit sick or person in need at home, in hospital or in a home and spend time with them.

Contact: Sylvain Sturm (